Monday, September 1, 2008


Does the weather get any better than this in Central PA? I don't think so. My mom and two nieces decided to go to Kipona today. We had a great time. The crowds must have went Saturday and Sunday b/c it was not crowded which makes a much nicer stroll down the craft lane! ANYWAY, being with my nieces always makes me think about my sister. I miss her dearly. Is that why my friendships mean so much to me? I think family as you get older means something more than your blood relatives. Is it too much to ask to have people in your life that are going to remain in your life, the rest of your life? I love to read books or watch movies that deal with friendships. I want closeness, I want people you can count on. Fierce white hot friends/fierce white hot love. (Let's not even get into the love/man issue). That kind of love has always escaped me. If my friends are reading this, I love you all!

BTW I emailed my fav knit designer Wendy Bernard and she emailed back. God bless her. She remembered me. As you know I love love love her designs. I try not to staulk her too much (thankfully she hasn't called the law on me). I think I remember saying I want to BE Wendy Bernard at some point! Reading her blog (and my friend's blog's) brings me comfort! There is peeps out there struggling and winning and loving and living life.

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